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Heavens Gate (Atlus, Original)
Heavens Gate
Heavens Gate
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Heavens Gate

Manufacturer: Atlus 1996
Serial-No.: #HA1467
Genre: Fighting
Type: Original
Screen Orientation: Horizontal
Jamma : Yes

Heaven's Gate is a 3D Fighting Game published by Atlus
. It is both Atlus and Racdym's first attempt in the 3D fighting game market. The Story: Devils have started to invade the world by giving humans evil power. In order to protect the world, the kingdom of Heaven has also begun to lend divine power to humans...
As a result, a battle between good and evil has begun, using the human's world as the battlefield.
The game has eight playable characters at the start with some other hidden characters that can be unlocked under certain conditions. Each character has his own normal moves, special moves, speciality and lineage. the player should defeat eight characters in order to fight against the boss who will vary depending of the lineage of the player's character.
the game uses a 3 buttons layout being one button for punch, one for kick and one for guard.
Item Manufacturer Accessories* Unit price**
Heavens Gate Atlus 1996 179,00 €
Wash PCB in ultrasonic bath What's that ? 17,90 €
Ship PCB within Antistatic-Bag What's that ? 5,90 €
PCB mounting Feet (Set of 4) What's that ? 4,90 €
* please select quantity and options
** all prices plus shipping

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