WWF Wrestlefest is a wrestling game that in the opinions of
many is the best one featuring WWF wrestlers in the arcade.
There are 2 modes of play: Saturday Night's Main Event & Royal Rumble. In
the SNME mode, the player has to choose 2 wrestlers and fight through a series
of matches to battle the Legion of Doom, the champions. There are 2 waves of
matches, each wave having 5 matches. The rings are different & the 3rd match
in each of the 2 waves is in a cage. In the regular matches, the player can toss
the opponent out of the ring, or vice versa. On the floor, there are steel steps
& a metal box that can be used as weapons. In the cage match, the player can
not go to the floor but instead could throw their opponent into the cage. In the
Royal Rumble mode, the player has to choose a wrestler & try to eliminate as
many opponents out of the ring without getting eliminated themself.
player can eliminate opponents by tossing them out of the ring, pinning them, or
making them submit. There are 6 wrestlers in the ring at a time & there are
visuals whenever another wrestler is about to enter so the player knows when
that will be. The wrestlers can regain their energy in this game & if a tag
partner is allowed to recover for long enough without interfering in any way,
they will be powered up, so that if they are tagged in, they will be able to win
all the grapples for a short while. Some wrestlers, such as Smash of Demolition,
Hulk Hogan, Earthquake, Sgt. Slaughter & Big Bossman can perform top-rope
splashes, where they remain on their opponents for a pin. Every wrestler has a
submission (either a Boston Crab or Figure 4 leglock) that they can perform by
pressing both punch & kick buttons simultaneously while standing over the
feet of their fallen opponent (when they are not diagonal). Each wrestler also
has a jumping attack (knee/elbow) if doing the exact same thing but by the head
of a fallen opponent. In the Royal Rumble mode, it is possible for the player to
"save" a wrestler being pinned by kicking off those who are pinning him. Two
wrestlers can pile up on one who is lying on his back (in this mode only) to
make it harder for the wrestler to get out of the pin.