Home Videogames Itemlist Street Fighter II The World Warrior  
Street Fighter II The World Warrior (Capcom, Bootleg)
Street Fighter II The World Warrior
Street Fighter II The World Warrior
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Street Fighter II The World Warrior

Manufacturer: Capcom 1991
Serial-No.: #4067
Genre: Fighting
Type: Bootleg
Screen Orientation: Horizontal
Jamma : Yes

Gutes Taiwan Bootleg

Street Fighter - The World Warrior is a martial arts game from Capcom

The fighting game that revolutionized video games throughout the '90s. Choose one of eight warriors, each with his/her own strengths and weaknesses, and attempt to defeat the other fighters to become the world champion. Battle against computer-controlled opponents or another player.

Item Manufacturer Accessories* Unit price**
Street Fighter II The World Warrior Capcom 1991 199,00 €
Wash PCB in ultrasonic bath What's that ? 17,90 €
Ship PCB within Antistatic-Bag What's that ? 5,90 €
PCB mounting Feet (Set of 4) What's that ? 4,90 €
* please select quantity and options
** all prices plus shipping

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