Home Videogames Itemlist Molex KK .156'' 12way  
Molex KK .156'' 12way (Molex)
Molex KK .156'' 12way
Molex KK .156'' 12way
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Molex KK .156'' 12way

Manufacturer: Molex 2010
Serial-No.: MLX12
Genre: Edge Connectors
Type: Original

Molex Connector Kit 12-way
The kit consists of a 12-pin Female Connector with .156'' Centers and the matching crimp terminals
This connector is required for the production of adapters for older Taito-board, like Elevator Action and Bubble Bobble.
Item Manufacturer Quantity* Unit price**
Molex KK .156'' 12way Molex 2010 5,90 €
* please select quantity and options
** all prices plus shipping

Arcadiabay Galeria
Molex KK .156'' 12way
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